The first day of the “real work”

After an early breakfast, we split into 4 teams. One team taught the leaders of 9 other churches in the district health practices and how to disperse the medication for intestinal parasites. We learned this week that there is a saying in Haiti that everyone has worms. The work those two teams in our group did was fantastic. We helped thousands of people through what we did today there- not just through the medication but also the information about prevention.The two other teams split up to install water filters. We left the church at 9:30 and installed a dozen filters by the time we returned to lunch. It was quite an experience! Last year in Dame Marie I really only spent time within a few blocks of the church. This time we were going into the homes of the poorest people in town and blessing them with the health of clean water. What a thrill!


At one point we were at a home and there was a little boy about the age of Molly playing naked outside. He was all by himself, playing in a sand pile. His little stomach was distended from malnutrition. When I see little ones like that it is crushing to me. I can’t help but wonder what hope he has for his future. I pray that clean water is a start to help for him.

After lunch, half of our group headed to a sister church for another de-worming clinic, and half of us stayed to minister to kids. I had the opportunity to teach. I asked Daniella, a girl about 12 years old, how to use my digital camera. In turn, I related that to 2 Timothy 2:2 and our need to teach others the gospel that we have been taught.

After that, our leader Benson asked me if I knew what “Jeremy” means. He said it meant “always prepared.” I knew I was in trouble. They were having an evening service tonight and asked me to preach. I wasn’t sure at first, as we were going to have the evening off for some much needed rest. I decided to accept the offer and I preached on the woman in the crowd in Mark 5. I preached on how God cares for the people in every crowd. It was an awesome experience. With a little more practice, I may finally be able to figure out the rhythm of preaching with a translator.

Afterward we had some much-needed down time. We are tired and there is still another day of hard work ahead of us. Pray that God uses us well tomorrow.

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